Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tangerine, royal blue, and grey. Oh my!

On my sewing table now: a baby quilt for a precious little boy who I got to hold when he was ten days old.  I made a quilt for his big brother seven years ago. Again, I am behind--I usually get baby quilts to their new owners before those owners have taken their first breath, but I'm doing my best to finish it FAST! I found the pattern at this wonderful blog, Blue Elephant Stitches:

These overview images gives you a feel for how differently each of the blocks turned out:

I was so excited to use the oranges and blueberries from my recently purchased stash of hyper-realistic food fabrics:

There are few things I enjoy more than watching fabrics come together unexpectedly:

I am really loving this project! This is a completely new color combination for me. What a treat it has been, using a wonderful variety of fabrics from my stash. I'm working on a really wild backing, and then I'll quilt it up.

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