Sunday, May 15, 2011

Improv houses

I am making a baby quilt for some friends having a little girl this summer. For some reason, I've gotten really into the idea that they should have a house-themed quilt, and finally decided that I didn't like any traditional house quilts, so I would improvise! I decided on a creamy-tan background, rather than white, and have shot these against the wonderful green wood-grain fabric I will use for the sashing (that is, if sashing is the way I go--this is improvised after all!). I am having SO much fun with this. I've uploaded the images in the order in which I made them. I'm working on a high-rise apartment building right now:

I got the idea for the girl block from "sarah and molly's free piecing study" on flickr:

This modern house is inspired by my sister Anne's research on the architect who built her house--he liked big heavy flat roof styles. This is my favorite block so far. Check out the selvage curtains in the window, and the stop-light chimney:

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